Wednesday, January 7, 2009

God Does What He Says

I was blessed this morning as I read in Genesis. Chapter 21:1 "And the Lord visited Sarah as He had said, and the Lord did for Sarah as he had spoken". As His very own children we can be sure that He will accomplish all that He has planned for us as we wait on Him. His word is a living comfort to me. It is there with me, reminding me of His love and care. PS... Thank you to Okie Preacher & Maryb for your encouragement!!! :)


  1. OPW

    Thank you this is a good remineder that God Does What he says. Give my love to Rachel as well

  2. Good Morning OPW
    HOw are you praying for you today as I go to work. That God would shine his face upon you. Have a lovely day

  3. HI

    We need more of your words of wisdom on here.
